Wednesday 16 March 2016

SubGraph OS - Secure Linux OS For Normal Users

Information security and privacy are consistently hot topics after Edward Snowden revelations ofNSA's global surveillance that brought the world's attention towards data protection and encryption as never before.

Moreover, just days after Windows 10's successful launch last summer, we saw various default settings in the Microsoft's newest OS that compromise users' privacy, making a large number of geeks, as well as regular users, migrate to Linux.

However, the problem is that majority of users are not friendly to the Linux environment. They don't know how to configure their machine with right privacy and security settings, which makes them still open to hacking and surveillance.

However, this gaping hole can be filled with a Debian-based Security-focused Linux operating system called Subgraph OS: A key solution to your Privacy Fear.

Subgraph OS is a feather weighted Linux flavor that aims to combat hacking attacks easier, even on fairly low-powered computers and laptops.

Subgraph OS comes with all the privacy and security options auto-configured, eliminating the user's manual configuration.

Security-focused operating systems do exist, but they are often very resource intensive and can be run only on specific hardware. They are also a real technical challenge for users who don't know the advanced techniques required to get a secure operating system running.

Subgraph OS offers more than just kernel security. The Linux-based operating system comes with a slew of security and privacy features that its developers believe will be more accessible to non-technical users.

The OS also includes several applications and components that reduce the user's attack surface. Let's have a close look on important features Subgraph OS provides.

1. Automated Enhanced Protection with Application Sandboxing using Containers

2. Mandatory Full Disk Encryption (FDE)

3. Online Anonymity — Everything through Tor

4. Advanced Proxy Setting

5. System and Kernel Security

6. Secure Mail Services

7. Package Integrity

Comparison Between Subgraph OS and Qubes OS

Subgraph OS has some similarities to Qubes OS – Another Linux-based security-oriented operating system for PCs.

Unlike Subgraph OS that isolates individual applications on a more granular level, Qubes OS typically runs different isolated domains inside different virtual machines – one for your work, one for your personal use and more.

Subgraph OS doesn't isolate networking and USB stacks or other devices and drivers, but Qubes OS does.

Also, Subgraph OS uses Xpra for GUI virtualization, which is less secure than Qubes GUI protocol, but has some usability advantages like seamless working clipboard.

Subgraph makes use of Netfilter hooks to redirect app-generated traffic into TOR network and to allow the user to see and control app-generated traffic, but Qubes OS uses separate service Virtual Machines (Proxy VMs like TorVM) to intercept traffic.

As the list goes on... Subgraph would be a treasure for the privacy lovers.

How to Download Subgraph Os?

Subgraph Os will be available for download via its offical website. Let's wait for the operating system to get unveiled in Logan CIJ Symposium conference in Berlin on March 11-12.

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